Monday 15 June 2009

We Must Change!

It is quite obvious that everyday thousands of blog appear on what so call as the virtual dimension. Why should we have one. Is it really important to us to have blog? Why should we have one? Well, the answers might be vary as different people have different view. I should say that it is good to have one. But I won't say that it's purposely to make us become famous or to be recognised by others. In my view, blog can be the best platform for us to convey our ideas about certain issues. We may be different in terms of expressing our view but the most crucial part is how do we find the similarity between us. I believe that most people really concern about the way to make the world to become better place to live. Thus, I really hope that this will be our first step to define and create a better world. How should we do it? The answers is upon yourself. Share it and work on it. Insya-Allah we can make a change.

Teaching Philosophy

People defined teaching in many different ways, but in my view teaching is the manifestation of process to guiding, educating and facilitating human in general and specifically students in the classroom in order to produce individual who is holistically balanced. In teaching and learning English language, it is vital to equip every student with four intergrated language skills which are reading, listening, writing and speaking. These skills will help students to form their capability in facing the challenge in real world.